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Message Sender

The purpose of the IMessageSender is to abstract sending and publishing capabilities. The MessageSender class provides the actual implementation and both the ServiceBus and HandlerContext classes hold a reference to a MessageSender.



Task DispatchAsync(TransportMessage transportMessage, TransportMessage? transportMessageReceived = null);

This method invokes the DispatchTransportMessagePipeline to have the given TransportMessage enqueued on the target queue as specified by the RecipientInboxWorkQueueUri of the TransportMessage. If this Dispatch takes place in response to the processing of received TransportMessage then the transportMessageReceived should be the received message; else it is null.


Task<TransportMessage> SendAsync(object message, TransportMessage? transportMessageReceived = null, Action<TransportMessageBuilder>? builder = null);

Creates and then dispatches a TransportMessage using the message routing as configured. The newly instantiated TransportMessage is returned. The same transportMessageReceived processing applies as to the Dispatch. The builder allows you to customize the newly created TransportMessage.


Task<IEnumerable<TransportMessage>> PublishAsync(object message, TransportMessage? transportMessageReceived = null, Action<TransportMessageBuilder>? builder = null);

Creates and then dispatches a TransportMessage to all URIs returned from the registered ISubscriptionService. The same transportMessageReceived processing applies as to the Dispatch. The builder allows you to customize each newly created TransportMessage.

All the instantiated TransportMessage instances are returned, with one message for each of relevant RecipientInboxWorkQueueUri endpoints that was subscribed to.