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This guide assumes that you are either running the Shuttle.Access solution or the docker-compose containers.


Navigate to the front-end and log in using an identity that has Administrator privileges.

Create the following entities:-

  • These identities:
    • guide-user with a password of guide-password
    • AccessGuide.WebApi with a password of AccessGuide.WebApi:Password
  • A permission called weather://forecast/view
  • A role called Trusted Identity and assign the following permissions:
    • access://sessions/view
    • access://sessions/register
  • A role called Weather Reader and assign the weather://forecast/view permission.
  • Assign the following roles to the guide-user identity:
    • Weather Reader
    • Trusted Identity (we just need this to get to the session token later on)
  • Assign the Trusted Identity role to the AccessGuide.WebApi identity.

Minimal API

Create a new .NET 8.0 ASP.NET Core Web API project called AccessGuide.WebApi and remember to un-check the Use controllers option and to check the `Enable OpenAPI support:

If you run the application you should be able to invoke the GET http://localhost:{port}/weatherforecast endpoint to return a list of temperatur readings.

Add the following NuGet packages to the project:

  • Shuttle.Access.AspNetCore
  • Shuttle.Access.RestClient

To enable the Shuttle.Access authorization we need to add the following:

// var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); <-- at some point after


// The client application needs to be able to retrieve session data from the Shuttle.Access.WebApi.
// This means that it too needs to be authenticated.
builder.Services.AddAccessClient(clientBuilder =>
        // webApplicationBuilder.Configuration.GetSection(AccessClientOptions.SectionName).Bind(clientBuilder.Options);
        // ...with `appsettings.json` containing the following:
        //    {
        //      "Shuttle": {
        //        "Access": {
        //          "Client": {
        //            "BaseAddress": "http://localhost:5599",
        //            "IdentityName": "identity0-name",
        //            "Password": "password"
        //          }
        //        }
        //      }
        //    }   

        clientBuilder.Options.BaseAddress = "http://localhost:5599";
        clientBuilder.Options.IdentityName = "AccessGuide.WebApi";
        clientBuilder.Options.Password = "AccessGuide.WebApi:Password";
// var app = builder.Build(); <-- at some point after


Then we need to require a permission on the mapping by adding .RequirePermission("weather://forecast/view"):

app.MapGet("/weatherforecast", (HttpContext httpContext) =>
    /// existing code
.RequirePermission("weather://forecast/view") // <-- add this

If you run the application and invoke the GET http://localhost:{port}/weatherforecast endpoint you should receive a 401 Unauthorized error.

This is because we have not specified the session token.

Alter the builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(); registration, to allow adding the token, as follows:

builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
    options.CustomSchemaIds(type => type.FullName);

    options.AddSecurityDefinition("Shuttle.Access", new()
        Name = "Authorization",
        Type = SecuritySchemeType.ApiKey,
        Scheme = "Shuttle.Access",
        In = ParameterLocation.Header,
        Description = "Custom authorization header using the Shuttle.Access scheme. Example: 'Shuttle.Access token=GUID'."

                Reference = new()
                    Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme,
                    Id = "Shuttle.Access"

Use the Shuttle.Access front-end to sign in using the guide-user identity and the navigate to the sessions view.

Copy the Token and then use the to Authorize access to the AccessGuide.WebApi Swagger page by entering:

Shuttle.Access token={the-token}

When you invoke the GET http://localhost:{port}/weatherforecast endpoint now you should have access.